Sunday, October 16, 2011

google give buzz foucses on google +

Many would say Google Buzz is an experiment that lasted a little too long, and Google today announced that it will be finally pull the plug on one of its first incursions in social networking. For all its (too easy) initial buzz, Buzz ever taken of the masses. By the way, he created a real puzzle for Google when relating to the installation of private life justified a much harder look at how Google uses data from the user.

With the launch of Google + Buzz has become superfluous at best, and in an effort to refocus and streamline certain products Google, the social service in day will be closed for good "in a few weeks." Efforts will be displaced to develop and improve Google + as a unique technology giant social platform.
Other services for the axe in recent Google cleaning house include the research by Code, Jaiku, social elements of the iGoogle and the program of research of the University for Google Search.

[via Google]

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