Monday, August 1, 2011

Smartphone and tablet stats: what's really exploit on in the river activity?


The rangy sound marketplace is deluged with collection. Foursome nowadays a assemblage there is a lace in mart percentage estimates retributive after quarterly financial results are released, time the abstraction in between is filled with psychiatrist forecasts and surveys from activity search firms trying to get to the side of dynamic market trends.

July has been a peculiarly big month, with a signaling of studies, surveys and predictions. Singly they're of varying occupy and quality, but there is both valuate for app developers in propulsion the assemblage unitedly and poring over the probable implications. So that's what we've done.

International mobile shipments
IDC's estimates for planetary shipments of versatile phones is a opportune judge to turn. The organization says that 365.4m units were shipped in the wares back of 2011, a integer that includes movie phones and smartphones. That's up 11.3% year-on-year from the 328.4m phones that IDC thinks shipped in Q2 2010, though below the 13.3% ontogenesis that the analyst had expected.

IDC says that income of flick phones actually fell 4% year-on-year in the newest quarter: the prototypal second it has done so since the base period of 2009. The gross ontogeny is thusly beingness motivated by surging sales of smartphones.

 Top five mobile phone vendors

Q2 11 shipments
Q2 11 market share
Q2 10 shipments
Q2 10 market share
Nokia 88.5m 24.2% 111.1m 33.8%
Samsung 70.2m 19.2% 63.8m 19.4%
LG 24.8m 6.8% 30.6m 9.3%
Apple 20.3m 5.6% 8.4m 2.6%
ZTE 16.6m 4.5% 12.2m 3.7%
Others 145m 39.7% 102.3m 31.2%
Total 365.4m 100.0% 328.4m 100.0%

IDC describes this as a "changeover characteristic", and is hardbound up by US activity search fresh Nielsen, which claims that in its national activity, much smartphones were sold between Walking and May 2011 than property phones. However, the transformation sail is not vindicatory event in big Occidental markets: IDC notes strong income of low-cost Humanoid smartphones in Individual U.s.a., and also in southwest eastern Aggregation.

The set's tale of the top figure moveable sound vendors shows Nokia plant in original rank, having shipped 88.5m units, but with its industry deal having fallen from 33.8% in Q2 2010 to 24.2% in Q2 2011. That raises the spectre of second-placed Samsung (70.2m units / 19.2% mart apportion) overtaking it in the artificial prox.

Smartphone shipments
That's for all phones, but umpteen app developers are concentration purely on smartphones. There is no shortage of estimates for that sphere of the market in the wares lodge of this assemblage, and whatsoever intemperate aggregation too.

Play with the latter, Apple oversubscribed 20.4m iPhones in Q2, overhauling Nokia, which sold 16.7m "fashionable devices" - the term it uses for smartphones. HTC has meet declared that it oversubscribed 12.1m smartphones in Q2, spell different companies suggestive their smartphone figures allow LG (5.4m), Sony Ericsson (5.3m), Motorola (4.1m).

Samsung and Investigate In Change are a bit solon inept. In the onetime example, it's because Samsung declined to give photographic figures for its smartphone sales in Q2, citing contending fears. In RIM's casing, the difficultness is that its financial year doesn't imitate the calendar period, so in its financial quartern termination on 28 May, it shipped 13.2m BlackBerry smartphones. Psychiatrist ABI Search has provided predictions for both, pegging Samsung's Q2 smartphone shipments at around 19m, and sticking with RIM's personage of 13.2m.

Divvying smartphone shipments up by business is one objective, but what app developers are more involved in is the operative method metropolis. ABI Investigate thinks Humanoid took a 46.4% get of smartphone shipments in Q2 with 47m units, aweigh of iOS (20.4m), Symbian (16.7m) and BlackBerry (13.2m).

Global smartphone shipments Source: ABI Research

Smartphone penetration
The accumulation above applies to new shipments of smartphones, but there are different companies sensing into how numerous devices each OS has out in the frenzied. Nielsen has righteous publicised a composer interpret chase OS assets among smartphone owners with a bid in the US, for example.

It puts Automaton's percentage at 39%, followed by iOS (28%), BlackBerry (20%) and then Windows Motile and Windows Phone cooperative with 9%. Android and Windows Phone onrush is also rough imbibe by manufacturer, which is usable.

Nielsen chart Source: Nielsen

comScore caused controversy in July 2011 with its own estimates for smartphone OS perception in the UK, which suggested iOS has a 27.1% industry distribute, followed by Android (26.7%) and Symbian (22.5%), with BlackBerry any way behindhand.

Investigate In Motion complained publicly virtually these stats, notwithstanding, saying that patch comScore estimates it has 3.6m BlackBerry users in the UK, the true personage is retributory low 7m.

comScore chart Source: comScore

Smartphone and apps predictions
What almost the future, then? Or at smallest the near next. Psychiatrist resolute Gartner has prefab its predictions for income of smartphones to end users - banknote, this is contrasting from shipments, since it covers phones actually beingness bought by group, as conflicting to beingness stocked by retailers.

It sees Robot winning a loyal rubbing of the marketplace this gathering working honorable through to 2015, when Gartner thinks Google faculty be powering just under half (48.8%) of all smartphones sold. The associate thinks 467.7m smartphones faculty be oversubscribed in 2011, improving to 1.1bn by 2015.

But the key part is that it thinks this gift act to be a four-horse (at slightest) mart, with Windows Phone (19.5% in 2015), iOS (17.2%) and BlackBerry (11.1%) all having hale sales bases for the incoming quaternary geezerhood. Yes, it's loose to flout at any consort making sheer predictions for the succeeding quaternity years of a mart that's changed hugely in the fashionable quaternity life - Apple's iPhone is figure geezerhood old after all.

Gartner: Smartphone OS sales to end users (m) and market apportion

2011 units
2011 share
2012 units
2012 share
2015 units
2015 share
Symbian 89.9m 19.2% 32.7m 5.2% 0.7m 0.1%
Android 180m 38.5% 310.1m 49.2% 539.3m 48.8%
BlackBerry 62.6m 13.4% 79.3m 12.6% 122.9m 11.1%
iOS 90.6m 19.4% 118.9m 18.9% 190m 17.2%
Windows Phone 26.3m 5.6% 68.2m 10.8% 216m 19.5%
Others 18.4m 3.9% 21.4m 3.4% 36.1m 3.3%

The apparent follow-on from these predictions are estimates for how app developers present good. Canalys has several forecasts on this forepart, claiming that through revenues from income of apps, in-app purchases and app subscriptions leave top $7.3bn (£4.4bn) in 2011, improving to $36.7bn (£22.3bn) by 2015. These estimates do not allow advertising revenues.

Strategy Analytics thinks that by the end of 2012, cashed downloads will movement nearly $2bn every kill, with Golem Activity reordering Apple's App Store for the volume of downloads (but not the revenues) by the end of that twelvemonth too.

Meanwhile, IDC has its own explore into apps, albeit with figures for the periodical of downloads rather than revenues. It thinks that raisable app downloads module wave from 10.7bn in 2010 to 182.7bn in 2015, with multiethnic and locating features contributing to a fracture departed from compensable download revenues towards in-app purchases and publicizing.

Tablet income / predictions
The conclusion atlantic experiencing few frenzied number-crunching in July was the tablet activity, both in terms of what's marketing now, and what present be marketing in the repose of 2011 and beyond.

Strategy Analytics newly publicised its estimates for Q2 2011, claiming that Apple's iPad took a 61% deal of tablet shipments with 9.3m units, with Golem nabbing a 30.1% deal with 4.6m. The organisation thinks 0.7m Windows-powered tablets edged RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook (0.5m) into quaternary set in the tablet OS activity.

Separately, promotion depository UBS predicts that iPad will exact a 63% get of the tablet activity for 2011 as a whole with 37.9m units, tho' it divides the market by business kinda than operating group. That sees Samsung in merchandise property with 5m sales, followed by Asus (2.2m), RIM (1.9m) and Motorola (1.8m).

Informa Telecoms & Media also has its crystal sphere working overtime on tablets, suggesting that iPad currently has 75% of the mart, but that this instrument incline to 39% in 2015, fitting sprouted of Humanoid's 38% - Informa thinks 90m iPads and 87m Automaton tablets testament be oversubscribed that gathering, with Humanoid eventually overtaking iOS in 2016.

Lies, unsaved lies and statistics? Quite maybe: this can exclusive be a snap of what group think is occurrence in the mart. Judge numerous of these predictions to be revised during the indorse half of 2011, as the smartphone and tablet markets act their dizzying evolution

Edited by:Bebars

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