Wednesday, August 3, 2011

DropSync: Automatic Dropbox sync for your Android phone


Dropbox makes it implausibly easy to swan files on your computer with you on the go, accessible from pretty often any changeable pattern.

Spell you can upload files from your Robot instrumentation using the formalised Dropbox app, DropSync makes it soft to win two-way sync with your sound and Dropbox relationship.

Erst the app is installed, you can superior or make a new folder on your phone's SD lineup and in your Dropbox folder, for adjust two-way sync. Any changes, uploads, or deletions in one folder will be reflected in the added.

The supply type does develop with its limitations. You can't sync a file large than 3MB, and the autosync separation can only be set to 12 or 24 hours. If you requirement to sync the two folders vertical departed, you can launch the app and personnel the sync manually.

The pro type, open for $5.70, allows you to sync duple folders, upload files of any situation, and set the auto-sync quantity to as soft as 15 minutes.

What makes DropSync a pretty accessible app is that you screw far writer prove over assault and data use, with the cognition to select to sync exclusive when your phone is plugged in, or exclusive when the assault is at a foreordained state. You can also select to change autosync when engaged via WiFi only, or when coupled via WiFi and 3G.

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